The most amazing offer

I have found the most amazing offer on TreasureTrooper. The EndSleeplessNights offer on TreasureTrooper originally paid $1.50, but now pays $2.00 until the end of the month! In addition to that, the offer approves in MINUTES. Mine approved in less than 5 minutes. This offer will expire on the first of January. So don’t miss out. You have 4 days.


Entering false information

The times I have been asked whether or not entering false information into TreasureTrooper’s offers is a good idea or not are numberless. And since my answer is the same for every one of them, and this is generally good information to have when working with TreasureTrooper, I thought I would go ahead and make a blog post out of it.

Entering false information is not a good idea. Although I will admit I have friends that successfully earn money with TreasureTrooper by entering false information into the surveys, I don’t consider it to be a good idea. Because if anyone working with TreasureTrooper found out, they could close your account and you would lose all of that hard work, time, and effort. So I wouldn’t risk my account for it.

Although needless to say, participating in these offers will definitely increase the amount of spam mail you receive on a daily basis. So if you aren’t already using an email address you don’t mind loading up with spam, I would recommend created at least 2 or 3 addresses that you can switch between when completing these offers.

On top of that, I use a Free Voicemail Service instead of a phone number in the surveys and offers I participate in. This prevents solicitors from calling you at home. I would definitely recommend it for TreasureTrooper.

That’s all for now. More to come later.

International Offers

One of the beauties of TreasureTrooper is the fact that anyone in the world can join and there’s absolutely no investment. Many of you have emailed me asking this very question so I figured it was time to give an answer on the blog. Although some of the offers on TreasureTrooper (as you may have already found out) are for US citizens only, there are many for international (non-US) members as well.

The offers TreasureTrooper have on their website continually change, so it’s hard to say which ones will work with your country because they come and go so often. However, regardless of that, on the TreasureTrooper forum they’ve put together a list of the offers available in certain countries. Find your country and look which offers are available.

And as always, email me with any questions you may have.


Greetings my friends! I joined TreasureTrooper in April of 2006. Since then I’ve learned many various strategies to becoming successful with TreasureTrooper. I’ve created this blog to share with you the many different tips that I’ve learned over the past few months.

If you’re new to online money making, it’s not something that comes easily. In fact, money is very hard to come by on the internet. Needless to say, there are many online money making schemes don’t work. However with experience, I can assure you that TreasureTrooper is one of the best ways to earn money online.

The best part of TreasureTrooper is threefold. One, there is no investment whatsoever… you make money when your friends (referrals) make money… and you don’t have to be 18 years old to make money. These are three major benefits of joining TreasureTrooper.

You might be wondering just how much money you can make with TreasureTrooper. That’s a little tricky question to answer because it really depends on how serious you are about becoming successful, and how much time and effort you can put into to it. I’ve found that 30 minutes a day is earning me $1000+ every month. I’ll show you how in later blog entries.

I would encourage you to take 2 minutes to join TreasureTrooper and find out for yourself how success you can become. To join, click the link below…

Join TreasureTrooper